Parmesan Risotto

Risotto: creamy, cheesy, and carb-0-licious. How can you possibly say no? Also, surprisingly easy to make. I’ll show you how to make risotto in less than 30 minutes and you can have a gourmet meal on your table sooner than the Italian place across the street can deliver. Serve it as a main dish, or …

Apple and Feta Salad

I’ve been trying to get back on the healthy meal game but it’s also still way too hot to turn on my oven (thanks, Fresno in August). This is a quick and easy salad that will leave you full and happy (as happy as a salad can make anyone… I mean it’s not a cookie …

Sacrilege Potato Salad

My mom is infamous for her potato salad. It’s made me a potato salad purist because I will not eat any recipe other than hers. But I needed a dairy-free recipe to make for some friends who don’t like mayo (I know, as a mayo lover myself I grasp my pearls at the thought). Wasn’t …

Spicy Roasted Pumpkin

The perfect fall side dish! Spicy roasted pumpkin topped with feta, pumpkin seeds, and a hot honey drizzle. If you’re not a pumpkin fan, you can also swap out the pumpkin for butternut squash or sweet potatoes. This goes perfect in a fall salad too- toss it with more fall veggies and roast chicken to …